
In the background

Ladybug - a 50cm high natural cloth doll by Puppenka
Although everything is quite here, and even on my Isnta and Facebook page, there are a few things happening in the background. First of all I have attended a sewing course, to improve my doll clothes making techniques. I learned a lot, really. Small trick and tips, that helps to make my finished dollclothes cleaner. However, I have to say, the most important thing I learned, is that I have to be much more precise and patient, by eminence when cutting out the little pieces for the clothes. This is difficult for me, since when I finally have some time to sew, I want to do twice as much as I can or even more! But that won't work of course. So I have to slow down a bit, ease on the urge I feel, and admit to myself how much I can do during a given period of time.

Netti - a 25 cm high natural cloth doll by Puppenka
Currently I'm working on a little boy. He already has a future papa. It is going to be a long and slow process I know, since I have only 5 weeks left before my baby is born. Working on him helps me to be relaxed, such a pleasure to see a little one forming in my hands, and knowing that a little one is growing inside me as well.

Ladybug a waldorf inspired doll in her apple apron by Puppenka
Lonka and Simon will get new clothes. A little collar dress with cherries and berries for Lonka, and a comfy fishing set for Simon. This time I bought the patterns, and I'm very exited to see how these will fit on the favorite rascals of mine.
I have 4-5 minidolls started, I plan some of them are going to be strawberry-babies, but not everyone for sure. Somehow I want the to reflect the seasons, so there are going to be summer dolls as well.

Netti - a waldorf inspired doll playing with her animal friends by Puppenka

I do have baby sewing and knitting projects as well, I have to finish some bedsheets, baby-socks and baby-hats as well. I'm trying out patterns that I would use later on to create accessories for clothdolls as well.
The photos of Netti and Ladybug helps to make this post more pleasure to the eyes, they really deserve proper introduction, I hope you can read about them soon.
Have playful days!

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