
Valais Black Nose Hairdo - handmade wool weft for Lonka, a natural doll

I have mentioned before, that Lonka is a special doll for me. I tried out several techniques, while creating her. Creating her hair was one of the most significant experience for me. This is not a tutorial, but you can follow more-or less the whole process from cleaning the wool to sewing on her wig.

The wool, I made her hair of, was originally the possession Pimpa, the Valais Black Nose Sheep.

When I started working with the wool, I cleaned it from plant - pieces and other contaminations. It means I picked every single dirt by hand, paying attention not to damage the beautiful curly locks. During this process, I also made groups from the locks, separating the too short or shaggy ones. To be honest, I watched a million tutorials, and searched as much info as I could, but it was more difficult, than I had imagined.

After a long long time, I managed to get a queue of semi-cleaned locks. 

Then I heated some water (it was not boiling), put in some detergent (I used shampoo), and rinsed the locks in it.  Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture on this step. I tried not to agitate the locks too much to avoid felting. I picked the locks out and laid them carefully on a towel.

The next step was dying. I used red and normal onion-skin, approx. the skin of a dozen onions. I boiled them in not too much water, turned off the heat, and soaked the locks in it. As far as I remember, I re-heated the liquid two times, to make the process faster. To fix the dying, I used approx. 1 dl vinegar. When I was satisfied with the color of the locks, I laid them on a towel again, and let them dry. This part was maybe the most exciting, I didn't go for a color, since I never painted wool before. I used onion-skin t paint easter eggs or a few times, but that was all my experience. I love that she turned out to be ginger!

When the locks got dry, I sewed them together, to create a long weft. I crocheted a cap to serve as a base for the weft. Since I couldn't find wool-yarn in a matching color, I dyed the yarn as well.I used 100% wool one stranded yarn, what got the color much faster, than the raw wool. I crocheted the cap, and hand-sewed the weft to it. It is possible to crochet the weft into the cap, but I was not sure, whether I had a long enough weft for this. As a final step, I sewed the cap on Lonka's head. However I really love how she looks, I won't do self-made wefts too often, I'm sure.

Following these steps you may be able to create your own weft, but as I mentioned, this is not a proper tutorial, I neither I took proper photos of each step, nor wrote detailed instructions. If you have any questions concerning Lonka's hair, I'm happy to answer, if I can.
Have playful days!


First snow - adventures of Lonka and Simon, two handmade natural dolls

Lonka and Simon were really happy about their new cloaks, they love to play outside, but I didn't let them to wander in winter without warm clothes. Since I couldn't accompany them, they were just playing in the petite garden of our house. After hours of play they arrived home, and went into raptures over this little garden.
 - It is completely different, when snowed under! - said Lonka.
And they started to share everything they have seen and done out there.
 - We found a snow-slide, that was so high and fast, we slided down for a million times - continued the little girl. 
 - It wasn't a million - said Simon - you couldn't even count to million! But I felt like a bird - he said - the slide was so fast, that it seemed we are flying.

- We laid down to gaze the dance of the snowflakes as they falling down from the sky, there were all different! Like lots of beautiful little laces! There were small ones, hardly visible, but there were also huge ones, that seemed like some cotton candies - chattered Lonka.

- We also made some snow-angles, and I found some orange flowers - said Simon. - Do you know their name? -he asked me. - How magical! Flowers under the snow! They are maybe some Zinnias or African Daisies - I answered.

- Then we took a rest under the running-everywhere ivies. They our so beautiful semi-covered with snow! - continued Simon.

Since Lonka is a freezing type, she was really happy about her hand-knitted wool scarf. 
- I love this scarf! It was warm and comfy, when playing outside, the wind couldn't blow through it! Can we make snow every day? - asked her.
- I'm sorry Lonka, but we can't make snow. You know, snow is made of water, falling from clouds, just like rain, just frozen, if the temperature is low enough - I answered.

- Snow isn't like rain! How can you make a rain slide? Or build a rainman?? - asked this little girl uncomprehendingly, and she run away to figure out their upcoming adventures with Simon. 

I hope we will have some snow in February, so these two can have some more fun playing outside with these so cold, but also soft and white frozen - water - flakes.