I think it may be interesting how I met with Waldorf dolls and started my playful and adventures journey in dollmaking.
it really simple. I have seen some Waldorf style dolls on a Hungarian
craft selling page, and I
fall in love with it these dolls in that very moment. My husband bought
me a doll from that dollmaker for the next Christmas. She is Reka, an
always cheerful friend of mine.
Reka was created by Marta Schnetzer from Stoffpuppe
summer I bought the book
"Making Waldorf Dolls" by Maricristin Sealey. To be honest, today I do
not use the patterns, or hairstyles shown in this book, but it meant
the only basis for me at the beginning. It also tells about the nature
of dollmaking and Waldorf dolls, which was really interesting, since I
knew nothing about these traditional toys.
started on with my
first "Corner Doll", what I made from an old T-shirt, and soon I created
20 cm traditional dolls with a borrowed sewing machine. At that time I
used materials, that were available, which was quite challenging. At
this point, I have to mention, that I had no previous sewing experience
at all. I struggled with the not so perfect supplies and my own
inexperience, but I made a doll for my sister as a Christmas present. He
had far too long arms, and was no perfect at all, but I was happy with
him, although I really struggled with some steps of sewing him.
year from
an academic contest price I bought my own sewing machine, but it was
long before the next doll came. I had concentrated on my studies, got
married, moved to a different part of the country and started working as
an engineer.
2013 December I realised, I promised a doll for X, and two for Y, so in
the end I had to make four dolls, in a short period of time. All were
Christmas presents for sweet little kids, moreover, one of them was made for my
God-daughter. At this time, I knew a bit more about sewing and I could
buy better materials, which made the creating process more joyful then
ever before.
think these four little figures meant the turning point, and I felt so
motivated and enthusiastic. In the beginning of 2014, I searched as much
information on the web as I can, and was really impressed with some
talented dollmakers work, such as Fig&Me, Fröken Skicklig,
Poppenliefde, Petit Gosset or Marias Nature Toys.

spring found me endlessly thinking and talking about dolls, designing
limbed doll patterns, learning crocheting and knitting. The idea of this
blog occurred to me approximately a year ago as well, so I started
planning logos, collecting name ideas. During the summer I made my first
large limbed doll, but I wanted to try out everything, so I made many
many investigations, made many mistakes and changed my mind again and
again, until she became ready in the beginning of this summer. Sometimes
weeks went by me, without making a stitch, sometimes I advanced with
triple speed. Later on I will write 2-3 post about her, and the making
process, so stay tuned! Lot of sweet memory, many good and some hard
experiences are connected to her creation.
now here I am, I feel ready to show my work to the public. I hope some
of you will find these dolls nice and loveable, and maybe also find it
joyful to read about dolls, who are always ready to play!